
Cardio so I can look good under a thick coat (winter)

Who doesn't go for lower body fat during the winter - when nobody is around to see it? The only reason I workout is for myself, I don't need anyone else to validate my effort or results. There is something magical about the manifestation of the hard work and dedication to diet/exercise. To me, it's also a lot more than just fitness/physical image/working out. I have strengthened my mind far more than I ever imagined when I restarted my fitness journey a few years ago. The control over the mind - whether through dietary choices or exercises when energy/motivation are at 0, is something extremely empowering. I feel a better connection/in control of my mind/body far more than I ever have. So for these two weeks my motivation has been a bit low. Extra responsibilities at work and family as well as the continuous school work. As I mentioned to Arturo in one of our weekly posts, when my motivation is low - I resort to full body workouts every other day. To my own surprise, I actu...

How much definition is too much definition?

This will change from person to person. Some people find lower bodyfat to be "disturbing" or unpleasant to look at. I find it too be a sign of extreme dedication and mental toughness and discipline. A body fat of 7-10% is what I have chosen as my goal for this semester. What better way to get you engaged in the blog than to see where we are at? Honestly, I struggled with understanding what is deemed appropriate. So I played it safe! The blue coloring is not actually part of my fitness progress! There is some slight imbalance in the arms because one arm is holding the phone/also just some natural imbalances as well exacerbated by the stated. Exercises performed during the two week period. Monday was chest day. Bench press 3 sets of 10 reps. Incline bench press 3 sets of 10 reps. I am unsure of the name but you lay horizontally on the bench with just your head/upper back on the seat while extending a dumbell over your head with arms straight out and then back to above your ches...