How much definition is too much definition?

This will change from person to person. Some people find lower bodyfat to be "disturbing" or unpleasant to look at. I find it too be a sign of extreme dedication and mental toughness and discipline. A body fat of 7-10% is what I have chosen as my goal for this semester.

What better way to get you engaged in the blog than to see where we are at?

Honestly, I struggled with understanding what is deemed appropriate. So I played it safe! The blue coloring is not actually part of my fitness progress! There is some slight imbalance in the arms because one arm is holding the phone/also just some natural imbalances as well exacerbated by the stated.

Exercises performed during the two week period.

Monday was chest day. Bench press 3 sets of 10 reps. Incline bench press 3 sets of 10 reps. I am unsure of the name but you lay horizontally on the bench with just your head/upper back on the seat while extending a dumbell over your head with arms straight out and then back to above your chest, this targets the upper chest. 3 sets of 10. The back day was completed by doing lat pulldowns for 2 sets of 10. Alternating grips on the second set. Again I dont have a name for this, but it's essentially standing bent over rows with a barbell for 2 sets of 10.
Monday's cardio was 30 minutes of bicyling/light ab work after.

Tuesday we have leg day which consisted of barbell squats for 4 sets of 8 reps. (ouchies). Leg curls (name?) for 3 sets of 10. Leg extensions for 2 sets of 10. Then 2 sets of calf raises until fatigue to finish.
Tuesday's cardio was 30 minutes of bicycling/light ab work after.

Wednesday was a bicep/tricep combination. We started with bicep curls for 2 sets of 10. Dumbbell skull crushers for 2 sets of 10. (triceps). Reverse bicep curls for 2 sets of 8. Tricep extensions for 2 sets of 8. Wednesday's cardio then consisted of burpees with a pushup included.

Thursday was a rest day. 30 minutes of walking only.

Friday was shoulders/abs/light back/legs. 3 sets of 10 DB arnold presses. 2 sets of 10 up right rows. Based on the picture above you would think I do ALOT more of these than I do. 2 sets of 8 clean and presses which worked all of the stated muscles. Various ab workouts until fatigue, crunches/russian twists/leg lifts. 30 minutes (including rest periods) of stairs. Including "box jumps" in the rotation of stair sprints.

Saturday was a rest day. no cardio at all. (UFC day also)

Sunday was a full body workout including at least one exercise from each muscle group.

Monday was a rest day with no cardio.

Tuesday repeats the process.

These activities obviously impact my wellness severely. I have been mixing up the workout splits and exercises lately as I find it more enjoyable that way. This was a pretty demanding and also time intensive two weeks of exercise. I have worked on improving my breathing during exercising as to not fatigue so quickly. Something I have struggled with when lifting heavier is holding my breath during reps causing a much quicker fatigue. This in turn also helps me to think about my breathing when doing everyday activities and maintain a healthy level of oxygen at all times.

The most important benefit to these activities is self improvement and self love. I used to be very unhappy with myself, ranging from how I looked to how I was doing in life. Through working out I have been able to find love for myself and it is proof that I can achieve the things I want to in life. One day at a time just like one rep at a time. The mental strength and fortitude working out provided me has been invaluable to my motivation and well-being. 

We all have times where motivation is low, the will to give up is stronger, the urge to just take a day off arises. Here is a great motivational video I highly encourage you to watch, regardless of current motivation. Motivation

I just want to be the best version of myself. Mentally, physically, emotionally, health wise.

Thank you for reading my journey of continuously becoming better.
